Ancient Rome

Rome is a city in modern-day Italy. About 3000 years ago, it was just a tiny village. It began to grow into a large, mighty city. About 2000 years ago, Rome ruled many different lands. These lands, including Rome itself, were known as the Roman Empire. The Romans built beautiful buildings. They invented concrete and used clay bricks baked at high temperatures, which lasted longer than unbaked ones. Arches were built to create strong walls and doorways. Huge domes were made for buildings that were too big for wooden roofs.

The Romans built the world’s first high-rise flats. Most people who lived in Ostia, a busy town close to Rome, lived in blocks of flats known as ‘insulae’. Each block had up to 100 small rooms. Romans ate just bread and fruit for breakfast. Lunch might be leftovers from the night before. The main meal was eaten in the evening. It might include meat such as goose or hare, vegetables, and fruits. It took all day to prepare.

Only boys went to school. They began learning reading, writing, arithmetic, history, and sport at six. They were also taught public speaking. Why didn’t girls go to school? Roman girls were expected to stay home and learn how to run a household. This was training for when they were married. Most girls were taught how to play a musical instrument called a lyre.

For fashion, most men wore a long robe called a toga. It looked good, but it was bulky and uncomfortable to wear. Important men wore togas with a purple trim. Most children wore togas, too. Married ladies wore a dress called a ‘stola’ and a shawl called a ‘palla’ over the top of it.

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Did people wear makeup? Both men and women wore makeup. The Romans admired pale, smooth skin. Crushed chalk was used as face powder, red ochre (crumbly earth) for blusher, and plant juice for lipstick. What were Roman hairstyles like? Her Hairstyle went in and out of fashion. The woman would curl, plait, or pin up their hair. Wigs and hair extensions were popular, as were headdresses and hairbands.

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Rome and What was the Colosseum

Rome has a profound historical and cultural legacy, and the Colosseum is one of its most famous landmarks, embodying the grandeur and entertainment of ancient Rome. Together, they represent the enduring allure of the Eternal City.

The construction of the Colosseum, officially known as the Flavian Amphitheatre (Anfiteatro Flavio), began in AD 70-72 during the reign of Emperor Vespasian of the Flavian dynasty. It was completed in AD 80 by his son and successor, Emperor Titus. It was a huge novel arena in the center of Rome, used for fights between men called gladiators and for pretend sea battles. Up to 50,000 people could sit inside. It was built of stone, concrete, and marble and had 80 entrances.

The Colosseum symbolized Roman power and cultural significance, and the events held within it reflected the values and priorities of the Roman Empire. It was a versatile and multifunctional structure that was central to ancient Rome’s entertainment and social life.

The Colosseum

The Romans liked a day at the races. Horses pulled chariots around a track called a ‘circus’. The most famous was Circus Maximus. Twelve chariots ran seven times around the track in each race. Was chariot racing dangerous? Yes, it was. Chariots often smashed into each other and overturned. Each driver carried a sharp knife called a ‘falx’ to cut himself free if this happened. Many horses and drivers were killed.

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In summary, Ancient Rome’s impact on the world is still evident today, and its history continues to be studied and celebrated for its contributions to the development of human civilization.